24 hour life

By Sarah12


I couldn't let myself put another pointless blip up today. I thought I'd go out into the garden, get some leaves or drips or something.

I stood looking for a bit, then, there was some rustling, two bloody sheep had broken down the field fence and were stood at the edge of my garden. Ha! Blip! But, by the time I'd slipped on my arse on the decking, they'd gone. Then a magpie landed in the tree, and flew off again. Then.

Mr Squirrel appeared. I'd clocked him, he hadn't spotted me. Camera raised. On. Wait. He scampered down the trees, he only had my bird feeder on his mind. And then. He was right in front of me. Stopped in his little scampery tracks. "Sh*t!" he said. Snap.

Not the worlds best wildlife photo, but it's my first real one. And I like. I might have to go out again tomorrow.

The blip mojo might be back.

Edited to add: Yesterdays poor blip, and many of my last weeks, and the weeks before, hit the spotlight. I'm sure they were only on for 5 minutes max. But, I thought they were rubbish!! What's the score with spotlight?!

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