
By Juleshki

Land mark

Built in the 1100's, Clitheroe Castle is not the biggest you would ever come across, but you have to admit, it is quite old. I have yet to climb to the top but on my next visit... maybe, knee injuries permitting.

Also, found a really good place to have a bite to eat in the centre of Clitheroe called Callooh! Callay!. The food was delicious and went very well with the large and refreshing pot of tea. They serve a huge range of speciality teas as well as home made cakes to go with them, so you can't go wrong really! And that's without mentioning the fab decor which suggested that Alice in Wonderland had wandered through before us. Definitely try this place out if you pass through this way!

Had an interesting time earlier this evening as a group of friends and myself took part in a photo shoot. I never realised what hard work it was having your photo taken repeatedly! Phew! I almost feel sorry for those super models... er, but not quite.

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