4 or 5????

A backblip coz I couldn't post last night it was taking way too long it must ahev been a busy night on Blip :)

Last year I really liked these Cadbury Halloween eggs with toffee goo in the middle so when I saw these are half price I couldn't resist. But I was good and only bought one packet - in the end I had 4 and gave D 5. It 'twas a hard kung fu class not because I've had a few weeks off recently, but due to the sore throat of last week although it felt ok wasn't as fixed as I thought

Annoyingly Apache managed to scam 2 meals tonight he'd been perstering D so he fed him, not long before I came home and guess what the greedy b***er did?? - he only begged for more and I didn't realise - grrr he's a bad kitty!

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