Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Rocks and Rollers

Very windy and overcast today with large rolling waves breaking on the shore. A couple of chinks of blue sky appeared at lunchtime so I wandered down the rocky shoreline at Waterfoot to try and capture a few of the rollers.

My main problems were trying to stand upright in the wind and keeping the salty sea air away from the camera. Got me thinking about how you protect a DSLR in such an environment. At least with my wee compact It was only out of my pocket for a few seconds and then back again after each shot.

I had hoped that framing today's blip with some rocks might lead the eye to the sea and then the mountains of Arran. However, when I looked at it on the laptop the opposite seemed to be the case. Think it might be something to do with the gold and brown hues on the hills, brackish waves and lichen covered rocks getting brighter towards the foreground.

Going along to the local camera club tonight, for the first time, so will hopefully learn more about such matters.

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