Work Clothes.

Haven't had much time to comment lately. Have been trying to re-establish a routine before next week.

Basically the days have been spent getting a lot of rubbish out of the way - rubbish that I should have done months ago but didn't. After all, when your day lacks focus, what's the point? After all there's always tomorrow...

Like they say though, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. So this morning I've contacted the slater (again) and got him to give me a definitive date for next week. It's only taken about three months, but I suppose at least I've got a promise of sorts. I would have gone elsewhere but he's the only one in the village area that does everything and I can't face trying to find another plumber.

I've also had J in and he's got a long list of things I want done. Things like draughtproofing, repairs to the kitchen area (don't ask!) and door handles. Hopefully that will make us all a bit warmer if Siberia comes to Scotland again this winter.

Add to that he fact that the gardener (or should I say the man I want to come in with a big machine to clear the wilderness and turn it into smush so that I can start again) got back to me last night and I'm feeling rather accomplished this morning. With my blip out of the way as well, I can now focus on making the supper and the ironing mountain... and I can spend some time thinking about who is going to do it all when I'm at work.

My guess is this image won't be so far off the mark!

PS luckily I remembered to remove the non-kitchen item before J can in to assess the damage. That would have been a tad embarrassing!

PPS Annie suggested an SP of me in my new work gear. This is it for the moment but will see what I can do!

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