A time for everything

By turnx3

Frosty morning

I took a few quick shots in the back yard this morning before leaving for ladies fellowship at church - the early morning sun on the frosty grass had drawn my attention - and I knew I wouldn't have much chance later in the day for a blip. From church, I went to the hospital for my annual mammogram, then on to the gym to work out. By the time I got back home, had a late lunch and took a shower, there wasn't too much time before I had to start fixing an early dinner, as we had to be back at church for hand-bell practice at 6.30. We started practicing Christmas music tonight. Besides playing on Christmas Eve, we have two "gigs" in December - one at Mason Christian village, a retirement community, and one at another church for one of their gatherings - so there's quite a lot of music to practice, though the two "gigs" will be the same music.

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