
By HarryJ

More BS

This "rag" passes for our local daily newspaper. It's filled with shite most days, except when the hockey team plays, and then it's full of hockey shite.
(I'm not a fan of televised hockey, I think TV spoils the game because of the incessant commercials)

Anyway, back to the paper. The lady is not our Health Minister, she's the daughter of a poor old guy who choked to death in a privately run nursing home being fed by an ill-trained employee.

The government have known about it since April, but as usual, are slow to get off their collective arses and do anything. (They're still considering "courses of action")

However, the Minister has seized the chance to make a few brownie points by apologizing

That's why I threw the effin paper up in the air

Ah well. Until tomorrow....

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