Capital adventures

By marchmont

Roofs 4 - moon

Tired, tired, so tired. My own fault, of course. Travel is tiring and 800 miles is a long way to go for an hour but a late night (early morning) doesn't help. It was all because I did get back last night in time to get to the choir social. It was a very select affair - 5 of us but we sang (Astrid Gilberto's superiority, is not in question!) and sang and then 3 of us repaired upstairs until eventually we were thrown out in the wee small hours.

I didn't have much to drink but I think the lack of proper food conspired against me (if the Stansted Express had been that, an express not a stop- start- slow train I'd have got something more than a sandwich at the airport) and I woke this morning wishing I'd had more sleep and less wine. It was then a choice, lie in bed and listen to the clattering, banging delivery lorries over the road or get up and go for a swim. I chose the latter and was glad I did. The blue sky though the glass roof cheered the soul.

That was followed by a session of 'hunt the clothes'. I have no idea where anything is. I am HATING this chaos and this is only day 2. In the middle of this the formal offer arrived by phone and 5 December was agreed as the day when it all kicks off. Less than a month.

The rest of the day was spent with Y, through from the west for the day. We spent most of it in the 'Best restaurant in Edinburgh for lunch, bar none', The Castle Terrace Restaurant. What food, what service! It would have been a steal - £23 for 3 courses, including canapes, amuse bouches and petit fours but we also had two glasses of fizz (to celebrate), a bottle of Gaillac (so I could pretend I was back in the sud-ouest, of course there it's 6?, not £30), an Armagnac (to remember the Gers this time), a Cognac and americanos (and lots and lots and lots of water). The food was amazing too - Newhaven crab (in memory of last Tuesday), partridge (because I've never had it before) and creme brulee (because it was yummy).

After a long, long lunch we walked back through the Grassmarket on such a beautiful sunny day, me with no coat, only a cardigan over a dress on 1st November. Amazing! The Castle looked wonderful against that blue sky. A glass of red at the Albanach and then it was farewell at the station. I walked back across Marchmont Road as the moon came out.

Needless to say not a lot nothing has been done this evening. I caught up on blips but I'm too tired to comment. I (luckily? but unintentionally) managed to miss a call from M while over the road but did catch up with H, back from Javea.

I have lots of decisions to make but not right now, so getting back to M will have to wait.

I set myself 5 goals in June while in KL. Amazingly I've achieved one. The one about there being less of me has gone nowhere. Now, I wonder why that would be?

Molly isn't liking the chaos either, spoils her sleep. Me that's where I'm off to - to sleep, tomorrow is another day.

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