mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Nom nom

I'm not a fan of weaning, it's a stage I'd prefer to skip through. Logan's not keen on my approach though. I'm giving the BLW a go this time as I've heard so many good things about it. Logan obviously hasn't heard the good things I have. He eats, chokes and is sick. Over and over. Sigh. Really don't want to go through the purée thing, especially as Logan is 6 and half months old now. However he does love these Organix carrot flavour stick things, they look like huge wotsits. Aidan always wants one too though. This is going to be expensive.

In other news, Logan and I went to check out the nursery the boys will be attending when we move. It's a really nice place but it's hard to get excited about it when I'm so happy with Aidan's current nursery. Oh well, needs must and I'm sure the boys will love it.

26 boxes packed so far :)

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