The Fleet Is In

We had quite a good day today.

The Cygnet was snuggled up to his Nana intent on a story on TV this morning and I got a few shots I really quite like without him jumping about.

After his morning nap we headed off to dispose of some slightly past it bread.
The entire fleet decended as even before we got near the water and the cheeky geese were getting rather over familiar and even stole the Cygnets snack out of his hand before we realised just how close they had come.

Thieving sods.

So we moved along to the swings for a while.

I tried to get some arty stuff of the reflections on the boats - but I think I chose the wrong one. Maybe it was my choice of numbers.

The weather has been great today - clear blue skies and nice and mild (not quite warm but is now November) and I even washed the car.
I felt I had to after "somebody" had run his hands over the bodywork while it was wet from dew. Before that it didn't look too bad - but after................

Tomorrow I have a photoshoot where the theme will be 'Comfort' .........I will need to try and come up with some ideas toot suite.

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