
By Chaos

Street Experiments

So, now remember, I am experimenting.

Yesterday G recommended that I try street photography. Croz suggested to include people. This was new to me because I have avoided things that move and things that may cause confrontation. This is far from my comfort zone.

It is day two: I am trying street photography.

I didn't know quite how to tackle this so I did some internet research. There are no rules here.

This is what I did:

Used a borrowed rangefinder camera (Leica M8)
50mm lens set to f/8
focus at hyperfocal distance or estimated distance
ISO 360 (It was a cloudy day)

Try to find something interesting, spontaneous, an expression, a story, serendipity.

I smiled a lot and didn't get confronted by too many.

Some more:
Downtown Bus Stop
South Pole 21
the Kobuk
Tourists Walking
Version of Above

I read that you may find one good shot in 1000. I only shot 200 images, so I have 4 more sessions before I find something good. I had better do some more tomorrow.

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