In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

There's a ghost in my house

This is one of my friends, Fiona. She runs Hidden Aberdeen Tours. These are walking tours of places of historical interest around the city. One of the most popular are her ghost tours. Today being Halloween, she was conducting the last public ghost tour of the season.
This picture was taken by the Tolbooth Museum, and in particular right by the marked spot where one of the gallows for public hangings took place. The last one to take place here was in1857 when one John Booth was hung for killing his mother in law. (Insert Les Dawson joke here)
This gave rise to the old saying, " You'll dee (die) facing doon Marischal Street."
Just around the corner from there on Broad Street, is the marker spot for where the public birching took place.
Anyway hope you all had or will have or are having a good Samhain. (look it up)

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