Ghoulies and Ghosties

Q : What do you call a witch you lives by the sea?
A : A Sandwich.......geddit?

Q : Why did Noah not let the worm who lived in an apple onto the ark?
A : Cos they all had to go in pairs....boom boom!

I am not personally a fan of dressing up but I do enjoy seeing the old traditions carried on by the children in the village and I am happy to handover a few sweets in return for a corny joke or two.

It also nice to live in an area where kids can wander round on in little groups on their own and feel that they are relatively safe.

This is one of several skeletons who came to the door tonight

Have a happy Halloween :)

ps the joke above in no way reflect my sense of humour, just a wee selection of those told to me by the guisers* tonight.

* Guiser for the sake of the non Scots reading this is the name we give to those who dress up and go from house to house. I guess it has its roots in disguise

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