Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Double,double toil and trouble...

ohhhh just a little line us three witches like to spout off about....
The three witches of Macbeth seek to only cause as much trouble as they can for the mortals around them... well,I can't see much wrong with that in all fairness.
So,what I want to know is... why does DDLC look like the Pope whose MITRE has collapsed and also caused her to have a 'slap head' and Moonchops albeit in a mask still manages to sex it up by showing us her CD holder,and what do I think I look like,I am trying for alluring,but... to be fair its more night of the living dead.
Just had a fab little party down at DDLC's.... I have had to tone down her tan,she looked grimy.I feel sick...I ate loads of sugar a fresh cream cake and some hotdogs... some chips (fries to my American cousins over the pond) and then more sugar and some more chips with the oil from the garlic ball thingies drizzled all over them.......... I have grown a food baby.....

Anyway,after all that I need a lie down.....

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