Travelling by Bus

I fear I have left my brain behind in West Yorkshire.

For the first time since becoming afflicted by the Blipfoto every- day- uploading obsession, I forgot to take my camera with me when I went out this morning.

This omission caused his Lordship much hilarity and he likened it to his forgetting his glasses yesterday when we left Shipley and which involved returning from many miles up the road to retrieve them; frankly, I see no connection.

However I was able to take this blip of a couple stoically waiting for their bus with my trusty phone.

The only trouble being that when I tried to send it via email from the said phone, the Blipfoto behind the scenes men didn't appreciate the lack of Exif data and I couldn't get what they were asking for date wise.

And so I've had to resort to uploading the photo and using my computer to publish this blip.

I hope my brain returns soon.

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