
2years 9days

Katie sat for the entire time that she was eating this ice cream with a bowl on her head. She started out repeatedly saying "hat". She then just sat there as though she'd forgotten about it. I confess the time it slipped, I put it back on for her so we could continue to chuckle at how adorable a plastic bowl could actually look!

It's been a day with lots of lovely and specialness. We started out going back to my "home" church, the one I grew up in and Katie started out at. It was a really nice time. We caught up with very special people, many of whom we've not seen since Christmas. The music band were fantastic. Katie and I had a great time with the younger Sunday School group. She flitted between joining in and playing with the creche toys, which were in the same room. She got to play with more balloons!

We got a bite of lunch before we went round to see my niece and nephew. Katie wasnt amused at first that I was having snuggles with Sofia, but then came round. Her and Paolo were playing with dinosaurs together - Paolo seemed quite impressed that Katie wanted to play dinosaurs. However he was less impressed that Katie wouldnt run the cars round the car track properly and just wanted to put them in the lift! They were going to a halloween party and got dressed before we left. Paolo came in wearing his full costume, including a mask, and ran up to show Katie - she jumped a mile until she knew who it was.

After we'd dropped them at their party, we went to our own party - the next party in the series of postnatal group babies. It is always so nice to catch up with everyone, and there was even an old friend we've not seen in a year. There was apple bobbing in the garden, but the children decided that wasnt what they wanted to play and spent a while doing huge splashes, despite repeatedly telling us it was cold. They enjoyed a barbecue tea and a huge bowl of jelly babies. They've all sussed pass the parcel - Katie knows the name of it too - and played really well. We sang Happy Birthday to Matilda, who had a spider cake complete with sparklers.

Last stop of the day was home to Granny and Grandad. Katie was a little tired by then and had lots of snuggles, with Grandad and with the big soft toy dogs she loves there. She was fascinated by a programme about penguins, seals, whales, and an advert that came on several times with owls on it. We all had tea together - Uncle Simon appeared then. She instructed him to sit down. They played together whilst the rest of us finished main course, before Katie came very enthusiastically back to the table for pud.

After tea, I ran her a bath, which she very much enjoyed. I wrapped her in her towel and she snuggled into me. She asked to see Granny and Grandad, so I took her to Granny to say hello. She then went for a snuggle with Grandad, curled right up on his lap. She fell asleep within about five minutes.

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