Another Beautiful Day

By drewzealand

Happy Halloween

As a boy growing up in Vancouver Canada, Halloween was one of the most exciting days to look forward to in the year. It was later in the Autumn when the leaves were coloured and falling everywhere, we had to rake up the leaves into piles always hoping for a dry autumn...and then they were lit, sometimes smoldering away for days, the days become shorter, the waft of the smoke from the leaves in the air - still I love it even though I shouldn't , however, in those days ahhh it was special. By 6-00pm it was dark....costume on...and out we went. Imagine, no parents anywhere, they were back getting the fireworks ready...the lollies was an enormous kit and playing tricks on older people ,occasionall really working hard for that treat- what pure manical joy.The atmoshere was incredible.
We even had the haunted house on the street - you had to go up a steep incline - it was your classic haunted house, two stories ,never painted, overgrown vegetation and having never seen the person inside - rumours and gossip abound .. as years went on and we grew older we realised that he was just a grumpy old man who disliked children and lawnmowers ...come to think of it, he didn't like our fireworks either.....
......... Trick or Treat.....

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