Just finished my pumpkin for tomorrow and realising I had no real blip for today decided to take a quick picture. Decided against the usual face and create something a bit different. First time I have done anything like this and I am pleased with how it has come out.
A busy start for me this morning as I had a childrens party to do with Jayne and her husband Chris which was great fun although no good if wanting a lay in on a Sunday but then who am I kidding neither are 3 year old twins! Nice to do it in the morning though and have the afternoon free. Sat and watched some cheesy film in the afternoon something I have't done on a very long time and it was lovely. Jack and Erin took it in turns to snuggle with me but then would get bored by the film and go off to play. Nice for me though for once to sit and do nothing for an hour or so.

Right an early night for me as my mindee is arriving at 7am tomorrow so an early rise. Hope you all had a good weekend.

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