League Champions

Up early and it was light, took Juno up the hill for a walk. Not many people about.

Eco son was going scrambling so he was up early and packed away. They were ment to be in Glen Coe but followed the weather to the Gorms to do Fiaccaill Ridge.

Last league game today, not that it really mattered as we won the league on Thursday.

In the warm up it was obvious that the huge effort on Thursday had drained the girls. The game started and we were quickly under pressure and the team we had defeated on thursday kept coming at us. The pressure told and we were quickly 3-0 down. Thank goodness for half time and a chat, some of the girls raised their game but we had 3 girls carrying knocks now. A brave second half which we won 2-1. Our captain ending the season with a cracking shot and goal.

Well done to the opposition for bouncing back from Thursday night and playing good football, well done to the purples for a good second half performance.

On wednesday we get the league trophy and medals presented and that will be the last gathering of the purples of 2011 as some move to u15s and some stay at u13s.

Eco daughter and I headed home to get the dog as eco mum on a course. We decided on the beach at Gullane. What a lovely walk with daughter and dog, she never wants to come on local walks in case she meets any pals. We chatted and laughed and Juno ran and ran.

Back home, tea made and eco son picked up(he had a ball).

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