Lali's World

By Lali

365! Finally!!

So here it is! My year blip! 365 blips with no gaps and mentioning the word "emergency" only once! Not bad! I got there in the end!

I started in Blipfoto a bit by accident. A couple of my friends were using it and I could see their blips in their Facebook pages. I thought it was a great idea, so I gave it a go! I really enjoyed it and, in the end, I became a member.

Well, what a year! My ups and downs, the bathroom saga, my dating failures, my accidents, my silly experiments, my cakes, my stolen camera, my themes...! Although it has not always been possible, I've tried as much as I could to keep it interesting and not to repeat my images too much. And I'm sure that those who have followed me from the start know me a bit better by now. Every time I have a new subscriber I have to say, I feel really flattered. You're wonderful and you cheer me up every day! Thank you so much for keeping visiting my journal!

Here's a wee summary of my blips:

My first comment - by CanCarrier

My first blip - flowers

My most popular and highest rated blip - with a total of 135 stars, 316 views and 61 comments!!! - my "drowned" city

My most viewed blip - with an incredible number of 736 views!!! - my irn bru cake

The blip that won me a wee prize during the festival - the lady sitting on a toilet

And, finally, my top ten favourites, in no particular order:
leaves running across the snow
Crystal baubles in the sky
a pint of guinness
the woman statue and the child
in Crammond
a flower opening in the dark
happy couples walking on the sea
two unusual ladies
the "drowned" city

It's been an interesting year and also great to become part of this community. Thanks very much again!!!

I hope you all had a great weekend! :)

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