Back to normal

Crikey - what a few days! The lads arrived on Monday night, miraculously the flights were on time and within 10 minutes of each other. We've had a brilliant week. The weather was astonishingly good - T shirt weather - and we've walked our socks off. We've been up mountains, waded up waterfalls and romped on deserted and sparkly beaches Literally hundreds of photos have been taken between us as they came armed with serious equipment, don't ask me what but son number 2's gave him serious neck ache and son number 1 is lusting after it. (the camera not the neck ache) They left yesterday - leaving a trail of cereal bowls, damp towels, guitars, odd socks and a lot of joy.

As you can see the weather has changed and is back to normal!! Fog, drizzle and general greyness, but it's warm. I've spent most of the day bagging the winter card collection - nice but some are a bit heavy on the blue - one robin is positively psychedelic!

Bank holiday here tomorrow and it's the start of half term! I've managed to get two!! I've just had a bit of barm brack (traditional Halloween malt loaf) and I got the ring (hidden inside) which guarantees lifelong wealth, health and happiness! True- it said so on the packaging!!! Now to catch up!
There are a few backblips if you're interested.

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