
By PrimeMart

Autumn Red

I like this clock going back an hour lark - what a lovely long lazy lie in. I think the clocks should go back an hour every sunday!

A beautiful walk with the dogs through the autumnal colours. The red in this leaf was so resonant - I have de-saturated all of the other colours and left the red to shine through.

Thank you all for being such good sports with my emulation mini-series.

Here are some of the ones that I did not even attempt:

Selena - I cannot bake at all (I blame it on my hot hands.)

Max Ellis - It has been a few years since my torso was ripped, Tracey forbade me from taking my shirt off.

Challenge - I was worried I would get slapped if I went up to attractive ladies in the street and asked to take their photograph!

Lady La La - The big market in Thornbury closed down years ago.

Jane Withers - I am just not mad enough!

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