Mt Corrin walk

We were all up bright an early, walking boots, macs, cheese and tomato sandwiches to the ready and we headed off to Barnageehy to walk to Mt Corrin. it was the most amazing day - bright sunshine, huge clouds, the odd rainbow and warm. I think this is probably my favourite walk. It's challenging as you start high, then go higher into moorland, then down into forestry then emerge onto a high ridge and then proceed even higher up to the summit of Mt Corrin and then a sharp incline down again. The views are breath-taking and at the top there's a 360 panorama taking in JermelyIron's pink castle and the Fasnet rock to the south, the tips of Sheep's Head and Mizen peninuslas to the west, Bantry, the Beara and beyond to Kerry in the north and inland to the east complete with wind turbines. At the top of Mt Corrin is a huge cairn and it's a good place to take a while to sit and stare. We were all totally exhilarated. You can see more pics here if you're interested.

In the evening we could hardly move but manage to get to the arthouse cinema where we watched The Cave of Dreams directed by Werner Herzog. An astonishing film about a fairly recent discovery of cave art in France. The paintings are beautiful and fully utilise the shape of the rock for effect. Strangely they were painted in the darkest part of the cave and the cave itself had never been inhabited by humans, only cave bears.

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