Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Turning back the clocks

The end of British summer time - sigh :-( I'm starting to feel SAD already! Although we get an extra hour in bed I hate it when the clocks change as it completely messes my body clock around, plus I hate the dark nights. I wish I was living in New Zealand or Australia for the next 6 months!!

Today passed really quickly. I sorted out my paperwork this morning and then took my son to buy a new mobile phone with his birthday money as his other one 'drowned' yesterday. After dinner I took them all to watch the Shrewsbury match and then went to the gym. I love cycling at the gym as I can read my book at the same time and it passes so fast! I then went on the rowing machine before fetching some food for Sunday lunch from Sainsbury's.

Tea was a real family affair as my brother in law and nephew joined us and then when I sat down to watch the X Factor they all vanished into the other room! Thanks!

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