Time and opportunity.....

By kayempee

Noosa Triathlon panning for the first time

What a long day, but totally fantastic.

Up at 3.30am to get to Noosa before 5.15am when the roads close around the triathlon circuit. Perfect morning, walked to Hastings St for early coffee and saw the swim start for the first waves at 6.30am. Hard to imagine but the waves kept going until 10.40am. Phew, so many athletes.

We headed back to meet friends and stand look out for people we knew participating. Hard to photograph friends, and then more devastating to find some shots have mysteriously disappeared from my card- the first time ever and obviously an accident. Recover my files software will definitely be put to immediate use to hopefully find them. This is just some random cyclist- good to be able to do this with no other cyclists heading out, and the ability to stand on a traffic island.

Home finally at 6pm after a long day, nose looks like a lobster, terribly sunburnt neck, and need to frock up on Tuesday for the Melbourne Cup- lordy I will look ridiculous.

Hope you had a fabulous weekend.

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