In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Tomorrow Belongs To Me

This could possibly be a companion piece to an itching in my thumbs blip from a couple of days ago. Whereas hers was clearly visible, mine is a tad more reticent, and unsure whether to pop over the wall.
Tonight I am very tired, after working until 0330 on Friday/Saturday morning, getting 5 hours sleep, I then got up for a mid-day kick off at Pitoddrie, although I thought it was 1230, and missed the first 5 minutes of the game because the traffic was ridiculously heavy today. Anyway, I went straight to work, and now at 0330 on Sunday Morning, with my body still in yesterday's reality time of 0430, with the clocks having been put back, I am doing my Saturday blip.
So there shall be no poems or stories, other than to relate what our youngest grandaughter said to June .
She told her tonight that she is going to be a dancer and that we will see her on t.v. Only 3 and she already knows what she wants. Go girl!
So as the city, and no doubt cities all over the world, was very busy this evening with people celebrating the impending Halloween, I thought my song choice, hence the irrelevant picture title, should be one of the scariest moments of cinema history. well in my opinion. A great song, but...
Lyrics below.
The sun on the meadow is summery warm
The stag in the forest runs free
But gathered together to greet the storm
Tomorrow belongs to me

The branch on the linden is leafy and green
The Rhine gives its gold to the sea (Gold to the sea)
But somewhere a glory awaits unseen
Tomorrow belongs to me

Now Fatherland, Fatherland, show us the sign
Your children have waited to see
The morning will come
When the world is mine
Tomorrow belongs to me
Tomorrow belongs to me
Tomorrow belongs to me
Tomorrow belongs to me

The babe in his cradle is closing his eyes
The blossom embraces the bee
But soon says the whisper, arise, arise
Tomorrow belongs to me
Tomorrow belongs to me

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