Ring of Tyres

By Tyres


Decided to follow G and BB's example and devote a second blip page to my garden.

I doubt you'll find much sage advice here, more a random selection of mad notions. My better half says I have a darwinist approach to gardening, if it doesn't manage to grow with a healthy bit of neglect or needs pampered in any way, it's probably not for me... I'm too forgetful.

However saying that I'm trying courgettes again, having failed miserably the first year we moved here. Used to grow a mountain of the things when we lived in the South of Scotland, but it's a different game up here. (Have a look at my about if you haven't guessed who I am already)

Now that we have our protective Ring of Tyres and our raised beds are well established with rich soil I thought it was time to try again. I don't have a greenhouse and would probably forget to harden the seedlings off even if I did, so I decided to plant the seeds within a single tyre surround on top of the raised bed to creat a little microclimate. Originally I planned to cover them in plastic sheet or fleece but the weather has been so warm I haven't. I might do some in the interest of experimentation, to see how they compare.

So far I have 5 courgettes and one pumpkin (if that fruits I'll die of shock). The all look pretty rugged.

BTW I'm also rather partial to the music of Mr Cash which hopefully explains the journal name.

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