Lizzy Clare

By LizzyClare

Desperately Seeking Sunshine... has not been a mad dash. I have not left the house or had to drive anywhere. There have been chores but I have successfully avoided them :D I have even started to catch up with my blip commenting (albeit slowly) - I didn't realise quite how behind I was :-0

Today therefore, I have had time to catch my breath and think. It has been a very dismal day in terms of the weather. Grey, cold and very, very wet!

I caught sight of this flower on the widowsill of our guest room and for all the world it looked to me like it was staring out, feeling so sad and wishing and waiting for the sun to shine. Now.... who else on this planet could get emotional over a plant, I do not know! However it did make me feel sad somehow because it is stuck in its place in life and just has to wait patiently, for the sun to come to it.

No? Ok maybe it's just me then! ;-)

Anyway as I haven't been anywhere I was grateful for anything, so it ended up as today's blip!

I have just tried to check tomorrow's weather on my phone and apparently the weather is unavailable! I wonder what we will have instead? Hope it makes a good blip! ;-)

Have a good (and hopefully dry) Sunday everyone!


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