If I were a better blipper...

...when I opened my curtains this morning and saw this, I would have immediately run up the hill to capture the glory that must have been on the other side!

If I were a better blipper I would work very hard to produce images half as good as Kath Gordon who is the most amazing sunrise artist I know!

Whenever I see a morning sky like this the phrase "flags of dawn" come into my mind. The verses below come from Frederick Luciam Hosmer ( Born: Oc­to­ber 16, 1840, Fram­ing­ham, Mass­a­chu­setts. Died: June 7, 1929, Ber­ke­ley, Cal­i­for­nia.)

I can only imagine that Frederick must have seen a sky like this which inspired this vision!

And lo, already on the hills
The flags of dawn appear;
Gird up your loins, ye prophet souls,
Proclaim the day is near.

The day in whose clear shining light
All wrong shall stand revealed,
When justice shall be throned in might,
And every hurt be healed.

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