Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

The Telegraph

Up at 6am to finish editing and sending last night's shoot, then off to The Telegraph on the number 52.

Kim Scott-Clarke spent just under an hour with me, which was very flattering and gave me very useful feedback on my book as well as a much needed coffee after the four hours sleep I had last night.

Afterwards I went to find Brian MacArthur, who was expecting me to pop up half an hour earlier.

Brian was off into town, so it was a mad dash to Victoria bus station with a quick catch up, hello, goodbye and a promise of drinks on the terrace soon (I'll hold you to that Brian).

This picture was quickly taken in The Telegraph Office while I was waiting for him to get his coat. The sign sat above a group of computer terminals. It could have said "Have a surf while you wait'.

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