Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Flowers for the Final Friday

This is the final Friday of October! How did that happen?

Where did October go? or September? or August? or July? and well, you know -- the months are vanishing. Someone please put the brakes on!

And we were told on national news this evening that the 7th billion person is about to be born sometime in the next day or two. So everyone needs to scoot over a little and make some room. The news report also explained that if we'd all stop eating meat our water supply would last longer. So I had a salad for dinner and one piece of garlic bread.

Didn't they just announce 6 billion a week ago? While I was grading student essays, I think everyone else was doing something else. Good grief!

So here's Friday's flowers. We can eat 'em or give 'em to the mother of the new born 7th billion. Does this mean we get to celebrate? Come on -- champagne for everyone!

It's late here on the western edge of America. So I better say farewell for Friday.

From Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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