Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Fiona Friday

Fiona was here today for the 2nd day this week as there was no nursery school. And yesterday she didn't go because she had some bug so her Dad did need to get some work done today. We went to the zoo before the rains started. I didn't get any sterling pictures of her with any animals that I really liked but I did want an outdoor photo today so this is the one I liked best - a bit soft -in the Asian Savannah on the way to see the elephants. That yellow leaved tree was amazing, the leaves were at least a foot long - have no idea what it was. Not exactly a "faces of Fiona" picture, but a picture of her doing what she wanted. Pushing the stroller, not riding. Boppa is doing a wee bit of discreet steering with his umbrella. Not a good day for her - stuffy nose - wouldn't take a nap - climbs out of the portacrib and won't stay alone in the bedroom - kind of approaching those terrible twos. (the raptor lady at the zoo after watching us made a comment that there is a reason people have children when they are YOUNG! Amen.) Of course she fell asleep on the way home. She is definitely Boppa's girl-they are very cute together.3
Thank goodness, we had a nice adult birthday dinner here for a friend, blipper mikeday's husband, and H.

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