Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Paperback Writer

I love books.

Especially paperbacks. Theres a bit of snobbery about paperbacks, often people look down their literary noses about them.

They complain that they don't keep well, damage easily, don't carry the same weight or gravitas of a hardback, or look as impressive or imposing on a shelf.

Whilst there is a degree of validity about some of these arguments, a paperback should be looked upon as your flexible friend, light,portable, easy to pocket, and there when you need it.

Also they are actually a lot harder to keep than a hardback, and so intrinsically should be worth more....and they have such splendidly bright and garish colours....especially the older pre-90s paperbacks.

However, whichever way you choose to align yourself, it doesn't really long as you read something!

The Beatles

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