Netters and co

By Netters

Age 3

For a few minutes I shall pretend this angelic looking boy, is indeed just that, this boy wouldnt hit anyone with a stick, or push anyone over in an attempt to win a race that only exists in his head screaming "I WON I WON" , he wouldnt, half way through a game run off with all the pieces, he wouldnt throw anything, he would never shout "I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND AND I AM NEVER TALKING TO YOU EVER NEVER EVER AGAIN" he wouldnt slap his own Nanny or be rude to his mother then shout sorry in a way that you just know he is so not sorry at all, and he most of all would never call his auntie a bugger at the dinner table.

In reality this little chap would do all of the above, and more and I wouldnt change him for all the money in the world.

Happy Birthday to you Charlie, I love every tiny thing about you and I cant quite believe its 3 whole years since I watched your screaming face emerge into the world , you'd think the screaming would have stopped by now....

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