mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

I've missed this smile

Baby Logan is gradually getting better. Nights still seem to be a total nightmare but during the day he's falling back into his normal routine. He's still barely having any milk which worries me. Fingers crossed that improves over the weekend or we'll be back to the doctors on Monday.

Aidan's much better and 'full of beans'. We stayed in again today, boring. Partly because the boys aren't 100% and partly because the estate agent phoned to say we have a viewing in the morning. It's all a bit annoying to be honest. The house builder failed to tell us the house had been placed on the market (we're doing a part-exchange) this week so we weren't prepared for a viewing. Half packed boxes everywhere, etc! Oh well, these things happen and moving is never easy. Our move date is 4 weeks on Monday. Stress!! If anyone wants to pack for us please let me know :)

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