From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

Ali babah and our trip to the chemist!!!

Today I decided that enough was enough and to give in to the dreaded antibiotics!!!

So off we went to dodgy alley as Glenn called it, as as soon as you walk down the street your pounced on by every Egyptian shop keeper!! We get half way down where we were approached by Ali "you looking for the chemist, it's down that alley and he opens in 10 15 mins. " looked at us and we thought that's not to bad, so we chatted to Ali and he asked us our names and where we were from blah de blah!! " listen why don't you come in to my shop i give you business card" ooooook!!! we had been sucked in time to be fleeced lovely we said what a nice man!!

"come, come sit down" little more chat followed by showing us a booklet with lots of names of other suckers English people who had made comments about how lovely Ali babah was and his son, the mint tea and the massage!!!!! WTF so we sat there politely chatting wondering what on earth was gonna become of us!!!

First we were given mint tea More chat about his family, then his son came in more chat about wives and family and us!!! Then the spiel started his shop sold oils Ali had at this point left for a cigarette!! Oils were put over my arms what did I like not like what we could do with them!!! Then we were treated to a head and shoulder massage by Ali!!

After this it was down to the nitty gritty what are you gonna buy??? Haggled a bit got him down on the price to realise we only had a little money!! "no problem you bring back later I be here "

An hour later we left the shop, with oils, but what lovely men they were so much so next year I want to come back and see Ali. They have us a lovely last day memory and I certainly won't for get Ali babah in a hurry!!!!

And antibiotics have kicked in along with ionide mouth wash and lozengers not dreading the flight home now!! Which is in 3 hours!!

Catch you all tomorrow in sunny uk!!!


in the picture from left to right Ali, me and the lovely G

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