Lost Between Worlds

By PaganParent

4 Weeks Old

Already! My goodness life has gone by so fast this month!

Sunday will be his officially "One month", but, due to the fact that weeks and months never coincide(save for February), he is 4 weeks, but not quite a month today.

He is SO much bigger than he was at birth, almost 2 pounds heavier!

Here is a reference shot in the same swing, from when he was 2 days old: FIGAROOOOO!!!

It's crazy looking back and seeing the difference...

He is in a "SwaddleMe" blanket thingy that his Auntie bought him...it comes with the ability to harness him into swings and carseats. Comes in handy for nap times after eating, as he does like being swaddled(or held)...and needs to be upright a bit to keep from spitting up.

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