East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

View from the rock pools

Have been babysitting again rather unexpectedly (our place this time) for the last couple of days so it's been rather full on. We must be crazy I sometimes think - took miss 4 and Mr 1 to the beach this morning - two buckets and numerous spades and gadgets, towels, drinks, biscuits, spare clothes, beach umbrella, sunscreens, hats, nappies, shoes etc,etc. The surf was rather rough so it was a bit nerve wracking keeping an eye on them as they have no fear of heading straight into the water. Then a big walk back up the sandunes carrying all that stuff plus Mr 1yr old. The idea was to wear them out so they would have a big sleep in the afternoon but guess who was exhausted. Then again, late afternoon, decided to take them for a walk to the rock pools so they would go to bed early. I took the camera this time and in between watching them managed to get some nice shots - too many to choose from so will put a couple on my blipfolio if I get a spare minute ( some I didn't even have time to check the focus, in between clicking and making sure no one fell into a rock pool, but amazingly they are some of the best so far - weird!!)

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