Why I don't write poetry

By wintertale

That's all folks ;-)

Well it wouldn't be me if there wasn't a holiday drama.

Picture the scene ....

On the first leg of our journey home yesterday, just as the plane was bulding up speed to take off, Doug asks me 'Have you got the car key?'.

'No', says I, 'why would I have it, you emptied the safe'.

'No I didn't', says he (as we are now airborne) 'I thought you did'.

Ahhhhh!!! The car key had been left in the security safe in the holiday apartment. Our only set of house keys was locked inside the glove box, in our car, parked at Edinburgh Airport.


Thank goodness we had several hours in Newark to organise a good friend (and her very handy joiner partner) to break into our house to get our spare Honda key and bring it to Edinburgh for 0800 hours this morning.

A stressful time indeed and could well have done without it.

Home now - suitcases unpacked and, yet again I have discovered that I purchased FAR TOO MANY Yankee Candles ;-)

PS - Blip is of sister key

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