
By Ilaria

How to capture a rose!! Can it ever be done??

Quick blip today...still at my parents and having major internet problems!! In trying to coax them to get broadband set up!! But we'll see!! An ongoing saga of them being at that age where they fancy learning new things...if not too how to use a Kindle and a Tablet/Ipad....but are wondering if they should bother or not!!!! Lol!! Obviously...I'm keen on the broadband, as 3G is hopeless here...and any internet activity is snail slow and arduous!! If I don't get commenting on everone's won't be for want of trying!!! Believe me!! Sigh!!

This rose is from my Dad's garden...he suggested it as today's blip, and both he and my mum picked this one!! I adore roses...but can I ever really do them justice?? Maybe if you could get the smell along with the photo???? Lol!!

Have a great evening!! :-))

Home tomorrow...and back to zippy broadband...yeah!! :-)) the things we miss, eh??????? Lol!!

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