key step
In what I thought was a responsible move I put the key on the windowsill after taking this in case someone stepped on it and then ended up skating down the rest of the stairs with painful consequences and making a nasty screeching noise. Despite looking about a bit I couldn't find any other keys so cannot yet enact the plan I have involving bits of old keyboards which might have to wait until my desktop keyboard finally suffocates from all the dust accumulating on it or until I next spot an old keyboard in a bin which hasn't been too badly smeared with filth and which I can get into the cupboard without attracting the attention of people who think we have enough rubbish in the cupboard already. It is a good plan, though.
I was hoping that the mugginess of the afternoon would mutate into nice cooling rain but it failed to do so. I was also hoping that I might be able to find an insulated bottle-sleeve somewhere to replace and augment my existing insulated bottle-sleeve which is currently half-broken and in Ayr but nowhere seems to sell them anymore so I only had semi-cold water to ease the mugginess on the way home. Might be time to switch to sandals despite my disinclination to make the world (or at least that part of it which examines the feet of passers-by) suffer my manky toenails.
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