Over the years we've had many different Squirrels visiting our garden, generally they've all been very timid, scampering away at the slightest sign that Bev or I might be entering the garden.
Yesterday afternoon, our timid squirrel was sat inside the bird table getting his fill of peanuts and "robin and tit mix" which we've fed to the birds for around the last five years. We've found this particular seed mix to be very successful, encouraging Robins and Tits to feed regularly.
I digress.............
While the regular was munching away, another squirrel had made his way long the top of the panel fencing, coming to a halt behind a big Red Robin. The "intruder" crept forward slowly until he had a view of the squirrel sat feeding in the bird table. After watching for around 10 minutes, he launched himself forward, leaping through the Red Robin, and straight into the bird table, hitting the feeding squirrel in the rib cage with his nose. The shocked resident shot straight out of the opposite side of the bird table followed by the newcomer, they went up through the Mountain ash onto the fence, then along the fence and into the garden next door. The Finches and Tits that were feeding in the garden scattered in all directions.
Everything was still, until a squirrel started to make his way back along the top of the fence, two jumps took him from the fence to the bird table, a quick look around and back out where another jump took him onto the peanut feeder.
Our new resident stayed in the garden for around three hours, visiting all the seed and nut feeders, and even sat on the conservatory window sill for a few seconds.
I got in from work this morning at 8-15 and here he is, back on top of the peanut feeder, where he stayed until he launched himself down the garden to chase a Magpie away.
Looks like this squirrel is here to stay.
"He Came He Saw He Conquered".............(Conkered).......
Can be viewed large here.
Thanks for stoppng by.
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- Canon EOS 40D
- 1/100
- f/6.3
- 400mm
- 800
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