
By Regine

My First Car(s)!!

Well, to be honest, it is a rental ;) There is this organization in the Netherlands that placed a number of cars in a lot of larger cities all over the country, and lucky me, two of these cars are very close to were I live :) I can make a reservation for a car on the internet, and open the car that I want with a card and drive off! It is so nice and easy!
I haven't got my drivers licence for a very long time, and as I don't need a car for my work I don't want to buy one. So every now and then I rent a car and just drive to anywere I want! It is amazing!

When I grew up we didn't own a car, so I am much more used to travelling by public transport. It feels very weird to be able to go everywhere I want without having to wait for a long time, or run for a bus or train.

Today I went to Thorn, in Limburg, a southern province of the Netherlands. My uncle told me my parents often used to go to Thorn when they were engaged, and I was eager to go there. Thorn is called the White Village, because in the old city centre all the houses are white for some historic reason. Probably interesting to look into that, but I didn't :)

Considered taking my dad with me, but didn't feel like it, so I just went by myself. Thorn is a cute village, but only interesting if you like standard pretty pictures of pretty white houses. I don't.

So I decided to enjoy myself with a nice drive through Belgium.... bad decision! I got lost, spectacularly! Think I have seen the same street five times, if not more.... took me 2 to 3 hours to find my way back...Belgium just isn't my favourite country and I was glad to cross the border with Holland... I'm not going back very soon, that is for sure!

Tomorrow I'm going to Efteling again, this time with two sisters and some kids :) can't wait!

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