My quiet space

By JuliaS

My Clever Girl

Ok so I know this is not the best photo, but it's the only one I've taken today, so here it is.

This is my duaghter Tara ..... she was 4 at the end of August, and started school 2 weeks later - she is the youngest in her class. On Friday she brought home her first book with words (up till then it was picture books and she had to say what was happening) .... she read the book to me on Friday night and was so pleased with herself that she hasn't stopped reading it since.

Today, she got out her puzzles .... she has always enjoyed doing these with me, but I always end up doing the puzzles and she passes me the pieces .... today I suddenly realised that she had about 5 puzzles, all done, spread out on the floor.

She then got out the word puzzle game and started spelling out all the words and making new words...... She insisted I took this picture so we could print the picture for her to show her teacher when she goes back after half term.

I think I can safely say she is enjoying going to school, despite being so young still.

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