mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Poorly baby

You can't really see here how red his eyes are and how pale his skin is but I can assure you the wee man is suffering.

Aidan very kindly coughed until he was sick...all over my bed this morning. Thanks. No nursery for Aidan today. Nursery don't like them to attend within 24 hours of being sick just in case it's a bug they could spread. I know it was just from coughing too much though. Oh well, it's always nice to spend the day with two sick babies :)

Logan is suffering quite badly unfortunately. I had him at the doctor yesterday and she did say that he looked 'terrible'. The worry is that he's had a raised temperature (not very high, around 38.5 c) off and on (depending how much calpol/nurofen he's had) since Sunday. He's not had any food in a week, he's having only about 1/3 or less of his normal daily milk intake and he doesn't drink water. I'm concerned about him becoming dehydrated which I told the doctor yesterday. She said just to keep on trying to get him to drink and to go back if I feel he's getting worse. Fingers crossed for some improvement tonight. We're all exhausted now and in desperate need of some sleep!

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