
By marshland

Best mates!

These are my best friends from school. It was my birthday sleepover today and I had the most amazing time.

During the party we played a game that me and mum called 'Knowing me, knowing you'. There were five of us and we all had a piece of paper in our hands with each person's name on. Mum then asked lots of different questions, like 'Who's the noisiest?' and 'Who will get married first?', then we all had to choose one of the names and display it at the same time. There were lots of different opinions, however, there was one question where we all agreed and that was 'Who's the bossiest?' - the answer was...Isabelle!!!! (me) Even I voted for myself!

Mum thought that the funniest moment was when we all disagreed though. Mum asked, 'Who's the prettiest?' and we all voted for ourselves!!! Ha, ha!!! This is the very moment featured in today's blip. A great memory that will always make us laugh.

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