
These two were marching around the house tonight banging pots and pans together very loudly. Kerr was shouting 'I marching!' over and over again.

We have had a busy day. We went to a new toddler group today. Well, it's new to us but has been running for several years apparently. It was nice to meet some more mums and for the kids to play with the other children. Another bonus is tea, coffee and chocolate biscuits for the mums! We don't get that at our usual Friday toddler group.

Lucy is staying with us again tonight. I managed to get them both bathed and in bed with lights out for 7.30pm. Not bad, I was aiming for 7pm so only half an hour out.

Kerrsdaddy is out this evening. I have a large Toblerone (half price in Tesco) with my name on it. Better go!

PS. Kerr and Lucy are actually the same height - he just looks like a midget in this photo because of how he is standing, lol!

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