Nell's World

By nell2803

I'm Boring Myself Now

This was the house at around 8.30am before the builders arrived.

Now that I know the work is coming to an end it is getting tedious. I think that in the beginning there was so much of a difference day to day but now that the large changes have happened the last detailed stuff seems to take much longer because you don't notice the difference so much.

Originally there was a flat roof 'box' at the back of the house. It only ran about three quarters of the width. It looked like an add on to the original but was actually constructed at the same time the house was built. As you can see, this has been extended and a pitch roof added. The new door is into the utility room. This was where the kitchen had been. So as well as the extension, the kitchen, dining room and utility have all moved around. Instead of a formal dining room that was rarely used we now have a lovely open space for kitchen and dining.

Springtime will be busy tidying the garden as we plan to take away some more of the lawn and have a little seated area that catches the morning sun. Hubby has already started digging.

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