not seeing straight

By jaybroek

Me and the other monkeys

This was better in my imagining (at 3am this morning while attempting to get one of said monkeys back to sleep).

With SpeakNoEvil sleep-deprived, SeeNoEvil's questioning of the whole concept and desire to go free-form was not as well received as it might have been.

HearNoEvil's assistant, also somewhat lacking in the sleep (and therefore tolerance) department insisted that the time slot for the shoot be kept really short which added to the less-than-relaxed atmosphere.

Initial technical hitches (poor aim) led to the regular cropping out of SeeNoEvil - much to his chagrin. SpeakNoEvil came close to speaking evil on occasion but the odd glance and vocal tone of HearNoEvil's assistant kept that in check.

You will also note the appearance of Boo the mouse in his capacity as SmellNoEvil (at SeeNoEvil's insistence). He kind of makes the shot.

Thanks Inga - couldn't have done it without you.

Happy 300th blipday to me.

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