michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Knot

A slow news day. A rainy morning...so I stayed inside. Only took about 20 pictures. Some pretty leaves, and an-out-of-focus few pictures of a downy wood-pecker. She wouldn't stop and pose.

I like knots on trees. Perfect trees are boring. Back when I was building a lot of birdhouses...I would laboriously go through the stack of 1x6's at Home Depot to find the boards with the most interesting knots. Then...you just have to be careful not to put a nail or a screw into the knot.

Knots also bring out your imagination. If you could double this one up...it would look like the eyes of a giant owl. HOO-HOO-HOO. I wish I could see more owls. Such a fascinating bird. We had a small one trapped in our garage a few years back. I was so intent on letting it escape my garage that I didn't think about taking a few pictures first.

I guess I'll have to settle for knots in trees and my mind-powers to see my owls.

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